Where Is Mark Meadows Headed To Now?; Plus, Why We Now Like Margaret Hoover's Firing Line on PBS

Some would say that our AP targets only Republicans.


True, at least 99% of the time, but occasionally we go after purported Dems such as Joe Manchin (see https://www.apocryphalpress.com/2021/10/28/why-manchin-won-t-be-going-to-scotland-with-biden/ and https://www.apocryphalpress.com/2021/03/06/manchin-supposedly-only-not-really-a-democrat-will-soon-announce-the-formation-of-his-manchinisto-party/); see also https://www.apocryphalpress.com/2014/01/20/obama-sighted-smoking-pot-in-the-oval-office/ (President Obama caught smoking pot in his Oval Office).


Donald Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows finds himself, for good reasons, in the crosshairs of the January 6 Insurrection Investigating Committee.


The former North Carolina Congressman obviously knows a lot about January 6 and its background. He was a primary actor in the “Stop the Steal” movement, which fell flat on its face, except that no fewer than 21,000,000 Americans believe that Joe Biden stole the 2020 election from Trump.


Meadows had previously turned over numerous documents to the Committee, but then reneged, refusing to give a deposition, https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/11/politics/mark-meadows-documents-2020-election/index.html and https://www.apocryphalpress.com/2021/12/08/why-mark-meadows-is-following-in-the-path-of-steve-bannon/.


So, as usual, we made associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones leave her tent, which is illegally parked outside Mar-a-Lago, and interview Meadows.


“Johanna, I am sick and tired of Democrats like you pestering me for my deep affection for Donald Trump.”


“You and Bennie Thompson are persecuting me, and now the DA in Manhattan is going after Mr Trump for his financial dealings. I mean, Johanna, Donald Trump is by far the most successful businessman that these here United States have ever seen. Every American is deeply indebted to Mr. Trump for saving our exceptional nation for Capitalism. and against Communists like Bernie Sanders."


Next we are obliged to turn to yesterday’s brilliant interview on PBS by Margaret Hoover, herself a Republican and proud of it, and a former Miss America, as she interviewed former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, who said unequivocally that as he prepared Trump for a debate against Joe Biden, that Trump gave him, and others in his circle, Covid-19 (https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2021/12/10/chris-christie-says-trump-gave-him-covid-in-2020-pbs-intv-newday-vpx.cnn).


For that, we bring in one of our chief medical experts, associate solitary reporter Matthew Korsoni MD, a neighbor of your solitary reporter.


Korsoni, a toxicologist of great renown, said that everyone in Trump’s inner circle who got Covid-19 got it only because they worked closely in the same room with him while he was obviously infected.


Hoover, in her superb interview with govenor Christie, pointed out that he could have died, and that Trump could have died also.


Hoover, though a lifelong Republican, is opposed to Trump, much to her credit.