Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen, She's Got the Goods on Zuckerberg

Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen was interviewed on 60 Minutes today, and very soon she will be in our Nation’s Capital confirming that she caught Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg surreptiously trying to hide his c_____s as well as his gluteus maximus after Haugen spilled the goods on Mark’s Intensitve Interest in Making $ Rather Than Focusing on the Public Good (https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/03/tech/facebook-whistleblower-60-minutes/index.html).


The WSJ has been looking into Zuck’s tendency to focus on The Bottom Line.


Naturally, FB Top Brass is pushing back.


While the First Amendment protects Zuckerberg’s Whatever (as it faces increasing public and Congressional pressure to Shape Up), seems Zuck, at 37, and married to a physician (“First Do No Harm”) launched FB from his dorm room at John Harvard’s College on February 4, 2004 (your solitary reporter’s birthday in 1942).


Our Chief Internet Advisers, associate solitary reporters Norm Chatwood (who represented Zuck in the early days of FB) and Anthony Kurwood, tell us that even though Mitch McConnell will block any attempt to regulate any kind of business so long as its leaders support

Republicans —  just tweeted us here at AP to say that if he can, President Biden will go after Facebook.


Uncle Joe is a lawyer and so he knows about the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 and the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914 (when we were still a mostly isolationist country).


Biden’s Antitrust Chief at DoJ is Acting Assistant Attorney General Richard Powers, formerly a trial attorney in Justice’s Criminal Division.