During John Lewis' Homecoming, Trump Demands Postponement of November Election, Orders Senate GOP Leadership Into a Military Brig

July 30, 2020


On the same day that True American Hero John R Lewis had his homecoming at the iconic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, with three former presidents delivering eulogies, including Bush Two, Donald Trump tweeted that he wants the November 3 election to be postponed, based, as usual, on his false claim that voting by mail is fraught with fraud.


Our very own Liar-in-Chief and morbidly obese occupant of the Oval Office doesn’t have the power to postpone an election; only Congress does; and it’s never been done.


His Republican allies in the Senate do not, for once, agree with him (https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/30/politics/trump-election-tweet-republican-reaction/index.html).


As associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones, who is with Trump 24/7, sat next to him, Trump tweeted that the voters of Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District MUST vote for the Republican candidate for Congressman Lewis’ seat, African American Angela Stanton-King.


In 2007, Stanton-King served a sentence of six months of home confinement for her role in a stolen vehicle ring. Now she’s some version of a motivational speaker, but always for Trumpism.


Which is why, on February 18, Trump pardoned her (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-press-secretary-regarding-executive-grants-clemency-2/).


In his spurious tweet, Trump said, “I hated John Lewis with all my heart, because when I raised my right hand on January 20, 2017, with Melania holding a Bible, John deliberately defied God and everybody by staying away from My Ceremony, when there were so many people on the Mall that they stretched all the way to the Lincoln Memorial and well into Alexandria, and then all the way to Richmond, the Capital of the Confederacy.”


Mark Meadows, one of Trump’s closest allies in Congress, and now his Chief of Staff, told Trump that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsay Graham, and Senate Majority Whip John Thune had unanimously condemned Trump’s unconstiutional call for a postponement of the November 3 election.


He told Meadows to tell Defense Secretary Mark Esper to corral all three of them and confine them immediately to the brig at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, a 905-acre military installation in Southwest Washington.


“But Sir,” Meadows said, as he groveled before His Obesity, “hadn’t you better tell Barr to give you a Declaration of Martial Law?”


“Hell no, Mark!  It’s not necessary! Now get Esper to do that right away!"