In Which (We Hate to Tell You This) But Trump Appears for Less Than a Whole Second in a Splendid PBS Show

To a person, our entire — and fast-growing — corps of associate solitary reporters watches Public Broadcasting programs, without fail.


Those in the Core of the Corps who watch Fox News do so only to do their jobs in Opposition Research.


From their tiny cabin in East Hardwick, Caledonia County, in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, our Chief Medical Correspondent, Dan McGuiness MD, and his wife, associate solitary reporter Frances Sedgwick, watched NOVA’s fascinating one-hour program, “Decoding COVID-19," yesterday evening on the CoronaVirus and COVID-19.


Naturally, Donald Trump didn’t watch it, because he watches only Fox News when he’s watching TV.


For half a second, Trump actually appears in the program, with now self-isolated Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert whom hundreds of thousands in Trump’s base want him to fire, simply ‘cause he tells it as it is.