While in Federal Prison, Congressman Duncan Hunter Will Have His Pet Rabbit with Him, to Comfort Him

Donald Trump is in London at the NATO meeting, as French President Emmanuel Macron fact-checks him in real time, https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/nato-summit-2019-gbr-intl/, at the same time as far-right Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter is in federal court in San Diego, copping a plea.


An early and enthusiastic supporter of Trump, Hunter holds a solidy Republican seat in inland San Diego County — the same seat his father held before him.


Hunter was notably eloquent when he said, in late August 2017, addressing Riverside County Young Republicans, speaking of Trump, “He’s just like he is on TV…He’s an a**h*le, but he’s our a**h*le” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duncan_D._Hunter).


Hunter and his wife, Margaret, have been charged with 60 violations of federal campaign laws. They were running out of money, so they took $250,000 in campaign contributions to pay for personal expenses, including dental bills, foreign trips, paying off five women with whom he had extra-marital affairs, and — this is the really important part — flying their pet rabbit across the US.


Hunter has been negotiating with federal prosecutors to plead guilty to one count, which will land him in prison, and Margaret agreed to testify against him (https://www.npr.org/2019/12/02/784207042/gop-rep-duncan-hunter-to-plead-guilty-to-campaign-finance-charge-may-resign).


Our chief investigative reporter, associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman, checked in with the prosecutors, and learned that when Hunter goes into the slammer, he’ll have his pet rabbit with him, to comfort him, at the request of Trump’s personal lawyer, Attorney General William Barr. The Federal Bureau of Prisons is part of the Justice Department.


ASR Sherman asked Hunter what name he had given to the pet rabbit.


“Susanna, I'm so glad you asked me. My rabbit’s name is Donald Trump, a man I deeply revere, and when I’m in prison, I’ll pray every day for a pardon from the man I adore.”


“After all, Trump is, like me, well-known for expecting women to do for him whatever he wants, so that’s yet another thing that he and I have in common.”


A spokesperson for the American Veterinary Medical Association told Sherman that while Hunter should spend the rest of his life in prison, it would be cruel and unusual punishment for Pet Rabbit Donald Trump to be held in the same prison cell as Hunter.


Hunter also told Sherman that now that Kamala Harris is pulling out of the Democratic presidential race, he’s demanding that she resign her seat in the Senate so he can jump into the Republican primary to succeed her.