How Netanyahu Treats His Close Personal Friend, Donald Trump

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, accused of corruption, is going all-out to win re-election, with considerable help from Donald Trump and Son-in-Law-in-Chief Jared Kushner. The election is on Tuesday.


Almost unnoticed during Thursday’s Sound Bite Special (i.e., the Third Democratic Presidential Debate, on ABC With George Stephanopoulos) was the fact that the noticeably portentous Netanyahu had his intelligence service spy directly on Donald Trump right outside the White House (


And, according to Politico’s story, Trump is notoriously lax about how he deals with secret communications, thus endangering our nation even more gravely than his flamboyant rhetoric does.


Of course, allies do in fact spy on each other, but what’s unusual in this situation is that Trump conspicuously ignored what his close personal friend Netanyahu was doing to him. And all this took place well after January 20, 2017, a day which, politically, will live in infamy.


Associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman told associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones, who is with Trump 24/7, that Netanyahu won’t rest until Trump orders Defense Secretary Mark Esper to nuke Teheran into oblivion, all in the interest of furthering America’s insecurity.