Donald Trump, who runs his anti-foreign policy howsomever he likes, has said that Prime Minister Theresa May should have taken his advice on how to get the UK out of the EU.
Now he’s turned full-blast against May’s well-respected Ambassador to the United States, Sir Kim Darroch, a convivial man who gives lots of cool parties at his residence on Massachusetts Avenue NW.
That’s because pro-Brexit foes of Conservative Party PM candidate and Foreign Secretary Jeremy Richard Streynsham Hunt — or maybe Vladimir Putin — hacked into a cable which Ambassador Darroch sent to London.
In that cable, Darroch said what everybody who has ever looked at Trump already knows: that he’s dysfunctional and that he sits at the top of the most chaotic White House staff that our nation has ever known.
So then Trump called Sir Kim a pompous ass and said he will never talk with May’s ambassador ever again (
That’s when our principal UK-based associate solitary reporter, Danielle Packwood, met PM May for tea at 10 Downing Street.
“Prime Minister,” Packwood began, “whom do you favor to succeed you as the Leader of the Conservative Party?”
“Oh, Danielle,” May responded, “that’s the easiest question I’ve ever been asked, inside or outside of the House of Commons.”
“With no doubt whatsoever, I would like Jeremy Hunt to be our next leader — but on pain of my putting you in the Tower of London for the rest of your days, you can’t repeat that to anybody, especially your cute boyfriend, Donny.”
“You see, Danielle,” May continued, “Boris Johnson has the worst hairstyle in England, and he’s way too proud of it.”
“I tried three times, losing lots of sleep all the while, to persuade my Party to back my plan for a divorce from the EU, after we English, Scots, and Welsh, plus our friends in Cornwall and Northern Ireland, made the stupidest decision ever made in our nation — to leave the European Union.”
“I am extremely proud of Jeremy for standing by Sir Kim.”
Packwood curtseyed and thanked May for the interview.