Infamous Ten Commandments Judge Wants to Derail GOP Senate Prospects in Alabama

Donald Trump liked fellow Republican Roy Moore as a senate candidate at one time, but not any more.


Moore is the notorious judge from Alabama who was twice kicked out of his seat on the Heart of Dixie State’s Supreme Court for defying federal court orders that he remove his Ten Commandments platform from the state’s judicial building.


Moore wanted to be a US Senator, but he lost in 2017 in a special election to Democrat Doug Jones. The RNC is convinced that it has a good chance of unseating Jones next year; there is a crowded field; and some in the GOP are trying to convince former senator Jeff Sessions to run.


Moore, a theocrat, lost his race to Jones in large part because of allegations of sexual misconduct.


So now Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are scared that Moore might win his primary next year and then lose to Jones, even though Alabama is a deep red state (º).


McConnell told associate solitary reporter Melissa Smith that he’s even willing to spend some of his re-election campaign money to force Moore to drop out.


“Let Roy go all over Alabama preaching about how self-righteous he is,” McConnell said, “that would be a better place for him."