All You Need to Know About Hope Hicks' Testimony Today Before the House Judiciary Committee

Donald Trump’s former Communications Director, Hope Hicks, testified today in a closed session of the House Judiciary Committee.


Hicks is mentioned frequently in The Mueller Report.


Present in the closed-door hearing were lawyers for the White House.


She didn’t have much to say, because she wasn’t allowed to (


Associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman, a long-time resident of Our Nation’s Capital, was in the hearing room.


Sherman closely observed Ranking Member Doug Collins (R-Georgia), a close ally of Trump, as he gazed at Hicks.


Hicks, 30, was a model before she dated Rob Porter, who was Staff Secretary for Trump before he was forced to resign over allegations of domestic violence.


As he left the hearing room, Congressman Collins told Sherman, “I just wanted to look at her. I’m just a guy who likes to look at beautiful women when I’m not helping Trump make America worse."