Trump Admits He Needs Putin's Help in 2020

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Donald Trump is ruthless in everything he does.


He told ABC’s George Stephanopolous that if a foreign power offers to help him defeat his Democratic opponent next year, he would probably take it, without reporting it to the FBI (


Associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones is with Trump 24/7. She is our most reliable source on the extent, if any, to which he thinks.


“Everything about me is all about me and my need to escape from my insecurities and win at all costs,” Trump told ASR Jones confidentially, moments ago.


“I say America First, and I AM America.”


This caused Jones to recall the words of God in Exodus, “I Am Who Am” (Exodus 3:14).


“I only trust the people that I trust, and I don’t trust my own so-called Intelligence Community.”


“The only person outside my immediate family that I trust is Vladimir Putin. I believe everything he tells me, because I need to expand my Trump Empire in Russia and I need his help to do that. I can do anything I want, the hell with anybody who tries to stop me."


Jones immediately told Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney that she would report what Trump just told her to FBI Director Christopher Wray, but Mulvaney told her that if she were to do that, he would personally throw her out the Oval Office window.


Jones curtseyed and went straight to DNC Chairman Tom Perez and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff. Schiff told her that   he'll take it from there.