Our Own Susanna Sherman Convinces Barr to Just Say No to Nunes; More on the True Role of Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities

Although Democrats retook the House in spectacular fashion in November, there was one high-profile GOP Congressional District they didn’t flip: California’s 22nd Congressional District, in the San Joaquin Valley, held by diary farmer Devin Nunes, now the ranking (and rankling) member of the House Intelligence Committee.


In the 115th Congress, Nunes was the Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, and he never failed to support Donald Trump against credible allegations that he colluded with Vladimir Putin so he could tweet forty times a day from the Oval Office. Nunes is so close to Trump that Trump can immediately tell when Devin hasn’t brushed his teeth.


As Nancy Pelosi and many others have noted, Trump’s Attorney General, William Barr, is slow-walking his eventual release of the Mueller Report, more as a member of Trump’s legal team than as a servant of the American people.


Barr has yet to release the Mueller Report, so Nunes hasn’t even seen it, but that didn’t stop him from saying it’s a partisan report that should be burned up rather than being released. Now Nunes plans to have a private meeting with Barr to discuss Nunes’ insistence that several administration officials, especially in the FBI, should be charged with criminal wrongdoing (https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/13/devin-nunes-william-barr-meeting-1272835). And Barr has said that “if there’s a predicate” for Nunes’ claims, he’ll investigate.


When Barr invoked the word “predicate,” he forgot to say that there is no moral predicate for Trump’s behavior.


Associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman visited with Barr early this morning, merely to point out that Nunes is a damn fool, and that Barr would be an even worse damn fool if he accommodates Nunes’ flame-throwing.


“Susanna,” Barr said, “I’m so grateful to you for persuading me to Just Say No to Devin.”


When associate solitary reporter and Denver Republican Party Chairman Eddie Cook told Nunes he’s SOL, Nunes asked Cook if he should resign from Congress and go back to his dairy farm. “No way,” Cook said, “we need a brilliant conservative like you to keep rankling the Democrats.”


Elsewhere, Florida Republican senator Rick Scott told CNN’s Jake Tapper he thinks Trump’s just trying to make everybody crazy by fostering the idea of dumping illegal immigrants into sanctuay cities (https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/14/politics/rick-scott-trump-sanctuary-cities/index.html); note that superloyal Sarah Sanders applauds her boss’ idea ((https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/14/sarah-sanders-sanctuary-cities-1273904).