The Families of All the Nearly 3,000 Puerto Ricans Who Died Last Year in Hurricane Maria Give Thanks to the Almighty Trump

Donald Trump loves to take credit where none is due.


Yesterday, the Twitterer-in-Chief said that all the really wonderful things that he did for Puerto Rico last year when Hurricane Maria struck, were unappreciated (


Puerto Rico is a US Territory, and lots more folk there speak Spanish than English.


Trump sent his tweet yesterday ahead of the coming apocalypse from Hurricane Florence, a Category 4 nasty. 


Trump is a climate change denier, closely aligned with Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma).


So we sent associate solitary reporter Selvatica Juguete, who covers all of Central and South America for us, to San Juan to get a quick sample of how Puerto Ricans feel about Trump.


This is what one ordinary Puerto Rican told her:


“Todos 3,659,007 de nosotros leales ciudandanos estadounidenses de Puerto Rico vamos a reunirnos en Tijuana y cruzar la frontera tan pronto llegue Florencia llegara al continente donde la gente puede votar” (“All three million six hundred thousand fifty-nine thousand and seven of us loyal Puerto Rican citizens of the land of the free and the home of the brave are going to go to Tijuana and cross the border into San Diego, as soon as Lady Florencia arrives on the mainland where people can actually vote for president.”)


When Defense Secretary James Mattis and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats read Juguete’s email, they immediately resigned, leaving Trump to rely only on associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones to save his butt.