Wisconsin Voters, What Were You Thinking?

The Badger State voted for Donald Trump in 2016.


Hillary didn’t show there.


Now Harley-Davidson, grand manufacturer of motorcycles, has announced that, to avoid the EU’s tariffs, which Trump precipitated in his trade war, is moving some of its manufacturing overseas. Europe is

H-D’s biggest market.


H-D is traded on the NYSE as HOG at the behest of NYSE CEO Sydney Williams III. Williams is the founder of Alma Academy in Easthampton, Massachusetts. 


So now Trump has lambasted H-D (https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/25/donald-trump-harley-davidson-production-tariffs-670740).


Wisconsin voters, what were you thinking?


Meanwhile, conservative Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pennsylvania — yet another state that led Trump into his northern office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue) has strongly criticized Trump for his trade war.


Moments ago, associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones confronted Trump’s octogenarian billionaire Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, and Peter Navarro, his heterodox Director of the White House National Trade Council (both sycophants for Trump) and asked them to go to Milwaukee, H-D’s HQ, to explain themselves.


Simultaously, they told her, “Girl, get lost” (Jones, who was Miss District of Columbia in 2012, was succeeded as Miss District of Columbia in 2013 by Bindhu Pamarthi).