Kim Jong-un's Top Spy Meets Up With UN Secretary General Guterres to Discuss Trump's Spygate Narrative

The one man in all of God's green earth who should not, under any circumstances, be where he is now, has known since birth that the only person who knows anything worthwhile is himself.


That’s why Donald Trump has allowed North Korea’s top spy, 김영철 (Kim Yong-chol), to travel today to New York.


As we reported on May 27, the only reason why Trump wants to meet with Kim Jong-un is so he can replace Kim’s prisons with Trump casinos (


Our chief international correspondent, associate solitary reporter Larry Theis, greeted Kim Yong-chol a mere ten minutes ago in the international arrivals section of LaGuardia Airport in New York.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arranged for Kim Yong-chol to arrive at LaGuardia because, of the three major airports serving New York City, LaGuardia is by far the crummiest.


As Theis shook hands with Pompeo, the former Kansas Congressman said to him, sotto voce, “Larry, I know how smart you are, and how you can keep secrets, since you were one of Denver’s best and most effective lawyers.”


“Larry, since the majority of people in the United States know, deep down, that Donald Trump should never have been put where he is in 2016, we thought it important for Kim Yong-chol to see us at our worst. That’s why I picked LaGuardia to receive him."


So Theis rode with Pompeo and Kim Jong-chol to the United Nations, where the three of them were greeted by UN Secretary General Antonio Manuel Gutterres.


Then associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones burst in with two other high-ranking Americans and said, “Under the authority of Mr. Trump, I am here with FBI Director Christopher Wray and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. Kim Jong-chol, we’re sending you straight to Gitmo because you’re the guy who orchestrated an attack on that South Korean naval ship in 2010 that killed 46 sailors.”


That’s when Kim Jong-un launched his best nukes at Gotham.