Military Voters: "When we voted for Trump, we didn't realize what we were signing up for"

Donald Trump simply can’t let go. Anytime he is criticized, even by a Gold Star widow, he has to lash out.


Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in Niger near the border with Mali on October 4, received a condolence (sorta) telephone call from Trump as she was riding in a car accompanied by Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-Florida), a family friend.


Earlier today, Mrs. Johnson said that the condolence call from Trump “made me cry even worse,” prompting Trump immediately to push back against part of her emotional account via Twitter, as detailed in today’s Politico by Louis Nelson (


In yesterday’s post, we “reported” that the DNC has given Representative Wilson its Lifetime Achievement Award. But in his various tweets, Trump claims that Representative Wilson has greatly harmed her own party. What does that tell you about Trump's political acumen?


Associate solitary reporter Melissa Smith interviewed Representative Wilson earlier today. Smith tells us that Congresswoman Wilson (inspired by former Congresswoman Pat Schroeder, who represented your solitary reporter and the rest of Denver for 24 glorious years,1973-1997; Schroeder lives in Florida) is “fired up and ready to go.”


“We’re gonna take back the House next year. Sure, I don’t like Pence either, but at least he knows something about government. Trump doesn’t have the faintest idea what empathy is.”


Your solitary reporter called David Riley, the Commander of the Disabled American Veterans, to ask his opinion of the present occupant of the White House.


“SR,” Riley said, “sure I voted for the son of a bitch because I fell for the line about increasing our national defense, but I can tell you that 90% of our members have texted me asking me what we can do to get rid of him.” 


“When we voted for him, we really didn’t realize what we were signing up for."