THE TRUMP ORGANIZATION, 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE NW — Yesterday, Donald Trump’s Justice Department charged Reality Leigh Winner with violating the Espionage Act.
Ms. Winner is a 25-year-old NSA contractor, and she is the first person charged under the Trump Administration with leaking classified material.
Because Trump is essentially paranoid and because he is very rapidly leading our great nation backward, he becomes even angrier than usual when the media publish information about him, particularly about his ties to Russia. The Justice Department has charged Ms. Winner with disclosing to the media information directly related to Russia’s hacking of our electoral system.
With associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones at his side, Trump tweeted, “Reality Winner is the biggest loser of all! I’m telling Sessions to send her directly to Gitmo!”
Associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman interviewed Ms. Winner in jail. Ms. Winner told her that she is a huge admirer of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.